These are all the support groups in Palmerston North where men can get support for the issues that we face as men, including but not limited to loneliness, mental health challenges, fatherhood and marriage challenges.
If you know of any other groups that meet this criteria, please contact us below.
Mental Health
MidCentral Health Community Mental Health & Addiction Services.
This service provides assessments and treatment for adults from 18 years old with moderate to severe level of mental distress and/or addictions residing in the Palmerston North region.
General queries: 06 356 9169
Queries about patients: 06 350 8770
Emergency department: 06 350 8750
Manline is a counselling and education service run by men, for men over the age of 13. Manline is the only counselling and education service working between Tauranga and Wellington.
We have offices in Feilding, Palmerston North, Dannevirke and Pahiatua for your convenience
Our counsellors are able to work with you around relationships, positive parenting, anxiety, stress, social isolation, sexual and physical abuse, as well as anger and stopping violence programmes.
We can also help with workplace conflict, addictions, and other issues whether current or historical.TXT for a Call Back027 358 1212 Business Hours Only 105 Queen Street Palmerston North
Manawatu Supporting Families believes that Family/ Whanau provide the greatest support to all people affected by mental illness and addiction. We strive to build and sustain resilience in the whole family so that they can flourish on their journey. We will provide a safe environment built on trust, honesty, empathy and professionalism. We are committed to listening to people, respecting people and providing them with opportunities,information and education. We will be accessible, fexible and give reliable support in times of need and great difficulty.
We will walk alongside you and positively encourage and empower you to achieve wellbeing.
Palmerston North Ph: 06 355 8561
Levin Ph: 06 368 6116
Dannevirke Ph: 06 374 8797
Primary health care covers diagnosis and treatment, health education, counselling, disease prevention and screening through General Practice teams, Iwi and Māori providers and THINK Hauora clinics to ensure our whānau stay well. Our services include Hauora Māori, Pasifika health services, immunisations, cervical screening, sexual and reproductive health, services for older people, translation services and mental health and wellness services.
Don't suffer alone! Samaritans offer confidential and non-judgemental support to anyone who is lonely or in emotional distress and you don't have to be suicidal to call them. Common reasons to call Samaritans include: relationship/family problems, loss of job, friend or family member through bereavement, financial worries, job stress/overwork, body image issues.
P: 0800 726 666 - 24/7 Service
Te Manawa Family Services provides stopping violence, parenting, and other associated family support and education programmes and services, free to those in the Manawatu region.
27 Matipo Street, Palmerston North
Mana o te Tangata Trust is a free, kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction peer support service for rangatahi, pakeke and whānau.
All ages, ethnicities and cultures are welcome!
For any enquires please contact us, give us a call, flick us a email or pop into one of our locations.
We provide a variety of services such as, peer support, group classes and after-hours support.
To utilise our services, please fill out our referral form, either online below or at one of our offices.
Mana o te Tangata Trust services the MidCentral Region and has three locations, two in Palmerston North and one in Levin.
Family Violence
Te Manawa Family Services provides stopping violence, parenting, and other associated family support and education programmes and services, free to those in the Manawatu region.
27 Matipo Street, Palmerston North
Mana o te Tangata Trust is a free, kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction peer support service for rangatahi, pakeke and whānau.
All ages, ethnicities and cultures are welcome!
For any enquires please contact us, give us a call, flick us a email or pop into one of our locations.
We provide a variety of services such as, peer support, group classes and after-hours support.
To utilise our services, please fill out our referral form, either online below or at one of our offices.
Mana o te Tangata Trust services the MidCentral Region and has three locations, two in Palmerston North and one in Levin.
Manline is a counselling and education service run by men, for men over the age of 13. Manline is the only counselling and education service working between Tauranga and Wellington.
We have offices in Feilding, Palmerston North, Dannevirke and Pahiatua for your convenience
Our counsellors are able to work with you around relationships, positive parenting, anxiety, stress, social isolation, sexual and physical abuse, as well as anger and stopping violence programmes.
We can also help with workplace conflict, addictions, and other issues whether current or historical.
Men experience sexual abuse
Sexual Harm, do you want to talk? We’re here for you. We’ll listen. We’ll find the support you need, and we won’t judge.
Whatever your reason for being here, we’re here to help you.
We offer free confidential contact with trained specialists. We can also connect you to support services in your community.
If you've experienced sexual violence, you can use the Find Support website to find a therapist: This support is fully funded and you can start whenever you're ready. There are also services available for your family and Whānau. We can help pay for counselling and therapy sessions if you need support after a physical injury or after experiencing sexual abuse. We offer services to support sensitive claims. Find a counsellor in your area who can support your needs.
ACC Sensitive Claims Freephone: 0800 735 566
Gay and Bi Blokes
To provide a social service which affirms and empowers gay, lesbian, intersex, transgender, takatāpui, fa'afafine, asexual, and bisexual persons, those questioning their sexuality, and those persons living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) who are Members of Manawatu Lesbian and Gay Rights Association Incorporated and/or our communities, and their family, whanau/significant others; and which actively promotes the development of a safer social environment for our multicultural communities.
We are run by volunteers and supported by allies in the local community. Transcends goals are to: Provide a safe, chill and brave space where any young trans or gender questioning peeps can come and feel supported, get answers to any questions they have or just hang out. We draw on our personal experience to help inform and educate organisations, schools and groups, through Professional Development/Training, as well as giving insights into what it can be like to walk in the world today as a trans person. To begin important conversations with others about what barriers are in the way and what steps need to be taken to help remove them.
Habits and Addictions
The Salvation Army Bridge provides a range of effective support services that help reduce the harmful effects of alcohol and other drugs in people’s lives.
We provide tāngata whaiora (people seeking wellness) and their whānau (family) with a safe place to belong where personal choice is encouraged and supported. We provide recovery information and practical tools communicated in meaningful ways which are culturally appropriate that supports healthy wellbeing.
Counselling is free of charge to the gambler, their family and others affected by harmful gambling. Palmerston North 340 – 344 Church Street, Awapuni Freephone: 0800 664 262 or P: 06 957 0127 Levin Outpatients Dept, Horowhenua Hospital Liverpool Street P: 0800 664 262 or 06 366 0888
MASH Trust is a non-government organisation and registered charity that has been operating since 1989. We provide a wide range of support services for people with mental health conditions, disabilities, alcohol and addiction struggles and youth respite care.
Our services are offered in a number of settings including day programmes, support within MASH homes, and support in the community. Operating throughout the lower North Island in Wellington, Kapiti, Horowhenua, Manawatu, and Hawkes Bay.
Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you'll ever make. If you're ready to quit smoking, we're ready to help.
If you are ready to quit smoking, Quitline can support you with a plan designed to help you beat the smoking addiction.
Research has shown that people who use Quitline are more likely to successfully quit than those who go it alone. We'll give you free, ongoing support until you're a non-smoker.
Counselling is free of charge to the gambler, their family and others affected by harmful gambling. Palmerston North 340 – 344 Church Street, Awapuni Freephone: 0800 664 262 or P: 06 957 0127 Levin Outpatients Dept, Horowhenua Hospital Liverpool Street P: 0800 664 262 or 06 366 0888
Whatu Ora - Mid Central provides a specialist service which aims to reduce alcohol and other drug related harm. Provides assessment, counselling, withdrawal management. Offers Methadone maintenance, group support and can make referrals to treatment programmes (day and residential)
A support service for the treatment and prevention of alcohol, solvent and drug abuse. Service is for anyone over the age of 18 years.
Ruahine Street ( Gate 12),
Community Village
Palmerston North
Mon - Fri
8 30am-4.30pm
Private Bag 11036
Palmerston North 4442
The Alcohol and Other Drugs Services are committed to working in partnership with people whose lives are affected by alcohol and other drugs.
The service offers a professional and quality service which aims to reduce alcohol and other drug related harm.
The service supports recovery by promoting positive change and health choices for individuals and their families.
The Specialist Alcohol and Other Drug Service provide:
Alcohol and Other Drug assessment
Methadone maintenance treatment (OST)
Withdrawal management
Assessments and recommendations for Courts, NZTA, and other agencies
Groups available
Referral to residential and day treatment programmes
Information and advice
If using drugs is causing problems in your life NA can help. NA is made up of addicts who are helping each other recover from using drugs and make changes in their lives.
Maybe you have already heard something about NA, or this is your first look at NA. Either way we welcome you to come along to a meeting, meet other recovering addicts, and find out for yourself if we have something to offer you.
Attending an NA meeting for the first time can be hard. To find out about what happens at NA meetings please read Going to your first NA meeting. Remember, everyone at the meeting attended their first meeting as well and will be likely to remember how that was.
NA members come from all walks of life and range in age from teenagers to people who are retired. There are no requirements to subscribe to any religious belief although our steps do talk about God and a Higher Power. Some of our members are atheist and some are agnostic – recovery works for them too.
Gambling Helpline is a 24 hour, freephone helpline for those worried about gambling or the gambling of others. You can call us to receive immediate support, to be referred to another gambling support organisation, or for information services for problem gambling. Gambling Helpline is the helpline associated with the Government's Safer Gambling Aotearoa campaign to end harmful gambling.
Gambling Helpline also offers a number of specialist services that you may choose to use, including community specific helpline's provided on the basis of Māori counselling Māori, Pacific people's counselling Pacific people and youth counselling youth. Our Gambling Debt Helpline has counsellors with both financial and gambling counselling skills to provide you with support and practical programmes around gambling financial issues.
Budgeting Support
FinCap is a charitable trust which supports more than 700 financial mentors in their work.
FinCap provides baseline training, tools and resources for financial mentors to deliver professional services.
We advocate for system change to prevent people from getting into financial hardship.
Financial mentoring services can help anybody who wants to gain control of their money.
Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge you need to manage your personal finances.
Whether you have a simple question or need help from a local financial mentor, our dedicated helpline advisors are here to help.
Our primary goal is to answer your questions about personal finance and connect you with a local financial mentoring service. Whether you need help with budgeting, managing debt, or planning for the future, we can link you to a financial mentor who can provide free, confidential and non-judgemental support.
Finding a counselllor
If you are wanting to :
get more out of life.
become a better partner, father, friend and man.
connect with other men looking for their own answers.
find connection.
connect more fully with who you are as a man.
Whether your life is working well or you have some things to sort out, this a powerful journey of personal discovery.
If you are a younger man making your way in the world, a midlife man in transition, with work and family commitments; or an older man moving to the next stage of life; here you will find help and growth.
Manline is a counselling and education service run by men, for men over the age of 13. Manline is the only counselling and education service working between Tauranga and Wellington.
We have offices in Feilding, Palmerston North, Dannevirke and Pahiatua for your convenience
Our counsellors are able to work with you around relationships, positive parenting, anxiety, stress, social isolation, sexual and physical abuse, as well as anger and stopping violence programmes.
We can also help with workplace conflict, addictions, and other issues whether current or historical.
"Got something you want to talk about, feeling a bit under the weather or just not too sure where to turn? The YOSS team is here to help"
The friendly YOSS team provides Palmerston North's young people with a range of accessible, holistic and youth appropriate services. We're passionate about helping young people and qualified to offer professional advice and support.
Youthline is a “with youth, for youth” organisation that supports young people throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. We have been providing support to Kiwis aged between 12-24 years for more than 50 years.
Youthline is here to support all young people – this includes young people who are struggling (with their mental health or other issues), as well as young people who want to learn, grow and give back to their community.
Youthline offers a free Helpline service (text, phone, webchat & email), free face-to-face counselling services, youth mentoring, programmes in schools and communities to help people grow and develop.
Youth Space
Youth Space is an inviting hub for teens to find inspiration, be creative, socialise and equip themselves with the tools and skills to help them live life to the full.
It’s a welcoming, safe, alcohol and drug free space young people aged 13-19 can call their own.
All activities and events are free of charge.
Are you a community group, organisation, business or local community youth champion looking for a space to host your event?
You may be able to hold your event at Youth Space!
Tane Ora
Te Wakahuia Manawatū Trust was formed in 1998 and is based in Highbury, Palmerston North in response to strong calls from the local community to have their own health services provided by their own people.
The Trust provides mobile health services to some rural communities - these extend to other areas of Palmerston North/Manawatu, Tararua and Horowhenua regions. The objective of the Trust is to ensure all health and social services provided meet the physical, spiritual, social and emotional needs of whānau Māori. Through mobilizing resources and skills, the Trust assists Maori communities to build the health and social capacity of individuals, whānau and the wider hapori, and support the achievement of Whānau Ora
Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga / National Network of Family Violence Services
Social Service, Abuse and Violence Support, Kaupapa Māori, Stopping Violence
Te Kupenga, the National Network of Family Violence Services is a network of independent community-based organisations which have a primary or specialist focus on working with people impacted by family violence (whether as victim/survivors, people who inflict violence/perpetrators or children/young people).
Gambling Helpline also offers four specialist services; Māori Gambling Helpline, Pasifika Gambling Helpline, Debt Gambling Helpline, and Youth Gambling Helpline.
Read more about our services.
If you or someone you know has a gambling problem or you're worried that one might be developing, Safer Gambling Aotearoa have a few tips to bring it into line. They also have really good information on gaming vs gambling, how lotto works, and online gambling.
Te Wakahuia Manawatū Trust was To preserve, protect and enhance the identity, integrity and future aspirations and general well-being of ngā Hapū o Rangitāne Iwi and Taurahere in Tamaki nui-ā-Rua.
Mental Health Service, Kaupapa Māori, Stop Smoking, Addiction, Problem gambling
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
We provide a wide range of primary health, mental health, addiction support & social services to whānau.
FREEPHONE: 0800 626 2254 (0800 MANAAKI)
Addiction Service, Kaupapa Māori, Community Health, Social, Stop Smoking, Problem gambling.
Manaaki Ora Trust is a kaupapa Māori health, social services and education provider that stems from the integration of Tipu Ora and Te Utuhina Manaakitanga. Manaaki Ora has grown from the aspirations of Te Arawa to ensure Māori are healthy, live well and are able to access the services and support that they need. We are a leading service provider utilising kaupapa Māori approaches for the well-being of all people.
Raukawa Whānau Ora Health Services is a kaupapa Māori Iwi Health Provider. Hauora service delivery is for all. Service delivery is mobile to your home, marae or community venue or at one of the base clinics. Hauora services include Tamariki Ora Well Child Services, Mental Health & Alcohol & Drug Support, Mobile Nursing, Māori Disability Support and more.
Toiora Whānau is an iwi based social service that promotes the wellbeing of whānau, hapu and iwi. We believe that whānau is an integral support system and Toiora Whānau offers assistance in empowering Whānau through child based whānau support services and education programmes.
He Hikinga Manawa Services support childhood education.
Te Waka Huia a Manawatu Hauora 56 Pembroke Street, Highbury, Palmerston North P: 06 357 3400 Raukawa Whānau Ora 3 Keepa Street, Levin P: 06 368 8678 148 Manchester St, Feilding P: 06 3236446
Pasifika men's health and wellbeing
Refugee and migrant communties
Mission statement |
To lead, support and celebrate multiculturalism and ethnic diversity through participation and advocacy. |
Vision statement |
To grow an interconnected and inclusive society in Manawatu. |
Core Values |
We value and celebrate the uniqueness of all cultures represented in our Palmerston North community and their ability to contribute meaningfully. |
Pathways to Settlement –Ngā Ara Whakatau Tangata:
Offers support to former refugees in New Zealand as they begin their resettlement journey.
Pathways to Employment –Ngā kaupapa hunga whakarere:
Finding employment is a key part of the resettlement process. This programme helps refugees to gain employment.
Refuge Trauma Recovery – Whakaora Whētuki Rerenga:
Provides clinical and therapeutic support to former refugees who have experienced torture and/or trauma and is available to children, young people and adults.
243 Main Street P: 06 356 8152
English Language Partners English is key to accessing work, education and everyday life in New Zealand. Our professional teachers and volunteers teach English to former refugees and migrants so they can participate with confidence at work and in our communities. Palmerston North 120 King Street P: 06 359 2332 E: Levin NZ Post Building (upstairs), Cnr Queen & Oxford Street P: 06 368 6062 E:
Family and parenting
Family support service which offers help with, parenting, family relationships, using community resources, and Parenting through Separation. Bumps to Babies Antenatal Service also Group sessions or one on one sessions depending on your needs. This is a free service. Ph 06 358 9429117 Ruahine St, Palmerston North 4414 |
Plunket believes in partnership and walking alongside whānau. We’re here to listen and to support you with what you need – not to judge, or to tell you what you 'have' to do.
If you're pregnant or have just had a baby and want to enrol your child with Plunket, click here.
Browse these pages to find out about our different services - from Plunket nurse appointments, to our different community services, education in schools, and much more.
56 Lombard St, PNth P: 06 357 4844
If your partner has suffered a miscarriage, and you need support, you can call:Sands New Zealand is a network of parent-run, non-profit groups supporting families who have experienced the death of a baby. We have over 25 groups/contact people around the country.
Upset? Confused? Depressed? …or just need more information about being a Dad?
Our aim is to provide support to fathers to be the most effective and engaged dads they can be – creating a happier healthier, safer future for our children/tamariki.
Support for all stages of dads…
Parentline Manawatu offer counselling and parenting groups and are committed to promoting healthy family relationships.
We believe that parenting can be the toughest job in the world, but also the most fulfilling and rewarding.
We provide accessible services to whanau, that promote and maintain healthy relationships and positive parenting so that children in nurturing families grow and flourish.
77-85 King Street P: 06 355 1655 Freephone: 0800 432 6459
Established in 1993, we are a non-profit organisation - a charity with a heart for New Zealand families. Our ambitious dream is that every parent in Aotearoa feels confident, and every child feels deeply loved.Toolbox courses are run nationwide all year and are held over six weeks in a relaxed and conversational small group setting with a trained facilitator. The courses – Baby and Toddler Years, Primary Years, Intermediate Years and Teenage Years . There is also a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren resource available. To find nearest course being run in your region go to our website or contact Robin Ferguson on 09 524 1386 |
We are a passionately driven social impact volunteer organisation, dedicated to providing exemplary childbirth and parenting education - Helping parents to navigate modern life by being focused on issues of importance to all families.
Established in 1954, the Palmerston North Parents Centre has more than 240 members. We come under the umbrella of the Parents Centre New Zealand Inc (PCNZ) and are one of more than 50 centres around Aotearoa.
Palmerston North Parents Centre has one of the most comprehensive parent education programmes offering between 15-20 postnatal seminars to parents in the Manawatū each year.
We welcome new members and we look forward to working with you and your family.
A group for men who have made a long term commitment to the care, well being and growth of particular children.
Many types of men do the work of fathering: fathers, step-fathers, uncles, grandfathers, mother's partners, mentors, step-grandfathers and good men in the community.
The topics covered will be:
Please Phone 0800 432 6459 for further info.
The group runs for eight two and a half hour weekly sessions.
Refugee and migrant communties
Mission statement |
To lead, support and celebrate multiculturalism and ethnic diversity through participation and advocacy. |
Vision statement |
To grow an interconnected and inclusive society in Manawatu. |
Core Values |
We value and celebrate the uniqueness of all cultures represented in our Palmerston North community and their ability to contribute meaningfully. |
Pathways to Settlement –Ngā Ara Whakatau Tangata:
Offers support to former refugees in New Zealand as they begin their resettlement journey.
Pathways to Employment –Ngā kaupapa hunga whakarere:
Finding employment is a key part of the resettlement process. This programme helps refugees to gain employment.
Refuge Trauma Recovery – Whakaora Whētuki Rerenga:
Provides clinical and therapeutic support to former refugees who have experienced torture and/or trauma and is available to children, young people and adults.
243 Main Street P: 06 356 8152
English Language Partners English is key to accessing work, education and everyday life in New Zealand. Our professional teachers and volunteers teach English to former refugees and migrants so they can participate with confidence at work and in our communities. Palmerston North 120 King Street P: 06 359 2332 E: Levin NZ Post Building (upstairs), Cnr Queen & Oxford Street P: 06 368 6062 E: